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Cayenne pepper test- am I doing this right? Nothing yet!
sarahbear Views: 8,705
Published: 10 y

Cayenne pepper test- am I doing this right? Nothing yet!

3 months ago, I did an herbal parasite cleanse. On day 3, my upper right abdomen, under my ribs were twitching so violently that it felt like a baby kicking, and the next day I expelled about 20 of these (along with many of the rolled up tomato skin looking things):

Over the next few days, I saw more of these red things, but they were lighter in color. Anyway, after this 10 day cleanse I felt better, no more bloating, less fatigue, etc.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and I had started feeling awful again. The bloating was bad, felt really tired all day... So I did another cleanse. Only saw one red jelly thing, but on day 7 I expelled this 2.5 inch guy:

The bottom pic is a few hours later after it had dried out. Before it dried out, I had pulled off a couple of the "segments" at each end, and it left a layer underneath as you can see in the bottom pic... so it seemed like the "worm" had a layer at the bottom connecting the segments.

I know there are many different types of tapeworm, and I have found pics of Tapeworms that had been pulled out of cats and even fish that resemble this, so I decided to do the cayenne pepper test. I'm ingesting about a total of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper each day. I was CERTAIN I would see something. Well, I'm on day three and I'm seeing nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Does it take more time than 3 days? Maybe this isn't even a Tapeworm at all and it's vegetable fiber...? (this is what my doctor thinks)

Thanks in advance.



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