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Re: Liver Flush last hope for acne, constipation and hypothyroidism
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Re: Liver Flush last hope for acne, constipation and hypothyroidism

I am so sorry to hear at the age of 20 you are dealing with these health problems! My heart truly goes out to your generation, it's just not fair what many your age are dealing with.

Liver Flushing has helped many, it can be rough going for some.  Be sure to be extra nice to yourself, rest, etc.

You didn't mention if you had pursued any colon cleansing to prep for the liver flushing.  It's very helpful to get very familiar with enemas, especially for me it's been a life saver to do coffee enemas.

I have done 7 flushes and haven't seen improvement, (I have similar symptoms to you) and I get very exhausted by the flushes and they release virus and bacterial infections in my opinion and experience.

I am not trying to discourage you, on the contrary, go for it because at your age, you should be able to recover.

Also, I want to mention that you seem to be on what I believe is a great diet plan, but in my experience, with these liver stagnation problems, there can be a lot of intestinal dysbiosis and I have found a more stable microbiome can thrive better when all meat is excluded. (but please don't make the classic vegan mistake of not eating enough and then blame that fact that you excluded meat for declining health, get min. 3000 calories a day from low fat sources...that's a lof of food!) I believe research can support my position. A little may seem ok, but if you are trying to reclaim your immune system, best to work with the micro flora, and focus on prebiotic foods.

This is so incredibly  important to clear up things like acne, etc.  Fat that we eat (all animal flesh has a good amount of fat and there are other issues with it too) can and does allow the endotoxins of the bad bacteria to be circulated throughout the body with the fat causing illness. (See Mike Mutzel's book Belly Fat Effect, although I don't recommend the adherence to the heavily marketed paleo diet that he and many others are following).  

If someone wasn't breast fed, and was born C section (this is me), they can have dysbiosis since infancy and can wreak all sorts of metabolic havoc later in life as the immune system has never operated as was designed.  Acne has been associated with dysbiosis and parasites, so thought I'd throw that in for you to ponder as it isn't discussed enough.

I hope you have fantastic success with your flushes and please keep reporting back for all of us to keep up with your progress.  





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