Re: This actually works and works FAST
Ted, I cannot begin to even explain my happiness with your advice on exzema. I have had exzema all my life here and there. Usually things like
Sugar or real fatty foods like fast food would flare it but it would go away after a day or so. When I got pregnant with my second child I broke out terribly! All over my neck it started and just got worse and worse to the point that I had to wear scarves to hide it. I went a full six months of embarrassment and I almost felt like I was getting depressed. I could barely wear any of my clothes because I had to cover my arms and it was just horrible. Over the course of this six moaths I tried
Liver Cleanses and 10 day body cleanses. I tried drinking just water for five days to see if I was allergic to foods. I stayed away from my dogs for days to see if it was them making me break out. I tried creams and probiotics EVERYTHING. I even contemplated putting off my wedding because there was no way I was gonna get married with this disgusting patch on my neck. I started reading cures online. Most stuff I had already tried. Until I found your post ☺️. The baking soda/ washing soda was something I never heard of and I had nothing to lose anyways so I went to the store immediately. No embellishments, no jokes, I drank my first glass of this on a Monday morning and every patch on my body was gone by Friday. Gone. Six months of agony wiped out in 5 days by something so simple. Not only that but my skin was so smooth and so amazing. I finally feel like myself again. I'm floating on cloud nine. The drink isn't too terrible it's basically drinking salt water. No big deal. It doesn't leave a lingering taste in your mouth. I hope everyone who has this problem tries your method. I hope it works for everyone like it worked for me. Thank you .