Re: 80 Flushes Completed!
Transformationalhealth: Your reply is inspiring, and has motivated me to increase the frequency of my flushes.
I have carried out over 65 flushes, and most of them, I waited at least two weeks in between, but I found that in so many cases, stones that had moved forward during the flush had congested my ducts at the front of the liver during the two week waiting period and caused immense suffering and atrhophiation.
Recently, I decided that I was just going to listen to my body and flush as frequently as it feels prepared to. I flushed three times this month already, and I feel better than I ever have. I wait for the mild pain to go away (similar to after working out) that I experience in the liver, following each flush, caused by the surgery-like changes that happen to the structure of the liver after removing this built up, and wait for the toxicity to circulate out of the system, and then flush again. After about seven to ten days, I my body feels one hundred percent prepared to flush again,
In my opinion, from years of first hand experience, the effects on the body caused by the congestion sitting at the front of the liver for two weeks or more is more damaging than flushing more frequently and introducing the toxins that are released from behind the stones to the body more often.
Although you are introducing more toxins that were trapped from behind the stones, you are also opening up the channel of elimination more often, allowing more toxicity to exit, and relieves the body of immense stress and struggle.
I feel that every ten days is working the best for me ;)