Re: how much
you would need just under 1/2 tsp per day.
quart is 4 -8
oz glasses.
The dose is 1/4 tsp per
quart or 32
oz or 4 cups.
Taking your dose of 60
oz and dividing it by 8 oz cups you get how many cups of water per day you need.
60 oz / 8 (oz cup) squalls 7.5 cups 8 oz per cup)
7.5 is just under 2
quarts so it is just a tiny bit less than 8 cups
Get two 32 oz bottles and fill and remove 1/2 cup of water from one..then drink from those or use them to refill your drinking container.
Also measure your 1/2 teas of salt for the day and keep in a little baggie or container to take with you so you get it all in that day.
(looking at the first answer you got, if is 1/2 tsp fr the whole day not the 8 oz you asked about.
if you use a 16 oz bottle, it would be about 1/8 tsp of alt and 4 bottle per day less 1/4 bottle of the water or 3 and 3/4 16 oz bottles.