Help with a protocol to regain my health.
Currently I am experiencing edema and numbness in my lower legs.
Can someone please give me advice on a good protocol?
I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, in my spine, so I am also taking a bone supplement with 1,600 IU D3, 100 mcg K2(MK7), 753 mg Calcium, 386 mg Magnesium. I am also putting 6 sprays of "Magnesium Oil From the Ancient Zechstein Sea" in a glass of water daily.
I have also been diagnosed with mold toxicity, low CD-57, Hypercoagulation, EBV, Streptococus Pneumonia and Mycoplasma. Based on my CD-57 only being 17 a D.O. believes I have late stage lyme disease. I am currently taking many herbs and essential oils to kill pathogens.
A Naturopath told me that I had high levels of fluorine in my body and told me to take 12 drops of
Lugol's Iodine daily. He also told me to put 1/2 tsp of borax in a liter of water and drink it throughout the day.
I am consuming selenium from a whole food vitamin. I am also consuming 3,000-6,000 mg of Vitamin C daily also.
My diet consists of organic veggies, nuts, seeds, fish and oysters. I drink 1 gallon of distilled water daily.
I am currently eating a ketogenic paleo type diet with a tablespoon of coconut oil and 1/2 tablespoon of butter with each meal. The rest of the meal is normally a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, green leafy veggies, salsa,
Sea Salt