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Re: morgellons disease cure
sufficientsufferance Views: 1,694
Published: 10 y
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Re: morgellons disease cure

You're being ridiculous by walking around for a week or two with outlandish orange skin claiming a cure for Morgellons. You've already been bit so you aren't cured. Go ahead and pad that with words to hide failure behind but the more you say the more it is give someone enough rope. I got rid of the creepy itchy that brought me here a few days ago. I've looked at my journal and I had a flush of these things at the same time last year. I got rid of them off the skin much quicker this time by looking at what finally did work and repeating that. I must have killed something in the intestinal track because I had moving gut ache that started high and went right through moving down to the exit. I came here to see if something had developed in fighting these things and saw that my journal had the best information for me. For me it is a good thing to keep a journal, pray, and listen to the body and any promptings that may come from a higher source. Sometimes I forget some things in this struggle with these things and having it in my own handwriting to remind me when I have hit on something that works for me is a valuable thing to have. Some cure you have. Get real. Claiming a cure after such a short time walking around with outlandish orange skin was ridiculous.


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