I'm not trying to be rude, but I think you're being ridiculous and oversimplifying to a large degree.
For example: I've had herpes simplex for my whole life (oral), but there HAVE been periods of two years or better when I experienced Zero symptoms. I did nothing outlandish to accomplish that remission. But I'm still infected...I'm not cured. Herpes is forever. I think I made some lifestyle changes that allowed my immune system and nervous system to keep the herpes virus under control. Certain stressors can still bring on an outbreak.
The same is possible with Morgellons. Maybe. But like my experience with Herpes, it might take YEARS to discover all factors that support or inhibit an outbreak.
All I'm saying is: don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. I'm trying to provide info on my progress and I think it's oddly perverse for you to trivialize my early successes.
Unlike other Morgellons sufferers, I'm not downing gobs of horse wormer on the daily, or zapping myself with electricity, or doing colonics, or ingesting colloidal metals...But, yet, my symptoms are in remission.
My one bite, received yesterday, is gone.
NOTE: I am actively pursuing avenues of reinfection to make sure of my findings. I have not changed my bed sheets...just in case I can be reinfected from my "sheds." I have walked outside barefoot several times, which is tempting fate. I admit, I DO vacuum my floor though. Is that considered outlandish?
I've dissected dead fish, I've cleaned out my aquarium filter, barehanded, and looked at artifacts under scope. I am getting little tingles on my fingers telling me of the parasite's presence....we'll see if I get fully reinfected from my crazy undertaking.
Looking forward to more of your pronouncements.
Peace out.