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Cancer - why to not do chemo
parazapper Views: 9,284
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Cancer - why to not do chemo

Since almost everyone who has had cancer ended up taking chemo, it is only natural for there to be survival stories.

Some people survive cancer despite the chemicals and radiation that they are given, not necessarily because of it.

As most everyone here who knows me is already aware of, I lost my former wife to lung cancer. She was a very heavy smoker and did not want to quit smoking. She also did not want to do chemo or radiation. Since she knew that the kids would almost certainly emotionally force her to take chemo, she did everything possible to hide her cancer for years.

When she was finally diagnosed, she was told that she would not live longer than 2 to 4 weeks without radiation and even then, it would be only about 2 months before she passed. She finally quit smoking and decided to go the natural and nutritional route, outliving their prediction for over three months before she finally passed because she was given a painkiller that she was allergic to.

But this story is not about her. Nearly a year later, I was dating a lady who was a cancer survivor. She had leukemia in her twenties and told me that her chemo had saved her. Upon hearing what she had taken, I realized that what she had taken was actually proven to be completely ineffective.

I suggested to her that perhaps it might have been something else such as a change of diet, that actually affected her cancer but she was incredulous about it which led to an argument, at which I bowed out and apologized.

About five minutes later, her eyes got very wide as she exclaimed 'Holy S--t!', I always hated spicy food before that but every Thursday after chemo, I would go across the street and order the hottest things on the menu at the Mexican restaurant.

One of the most powerful anticancer foods is capsaicin, which is found in most peppers. It has been shown to increase activity in the white blood cells that are supposed to provide immunity against cancer.

Many people, but not all, who develop cancer, eat a bland diet with lots of carbohydrates and sugars. Since the chemo destroys much of their appetite, they tend to eat spicier foods afterwards. So, why not just skip the chemo and try the spices?

Just my experience.

Do not think that beating cancer is going to be a simple easy thing, this is one reason why many fail.

However, any doctor who is worth his weigh in salt, will tell you that it is the job of the immune system to stop cancer. So, if you have cancer, it is exactly because the immune system is not doing its job. More than 90 percent of the time, if the immune system is impaired, it is because the diet is not right. You are either getting things that you should not be getting or you are not getting something
that you really need.

Also, please note, not all chemotherapy is so harsh and some of the latest techniques have made some improvement but at the same time, they still only attack the cells in the body but do not address the very reason that you have cancer in the first place, which is a failed immune system.

Fix the problem, fix the immune system, and the cancer will go away. No one ever, ever got cancer because they had not taken enough poison!


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