I saw in the documentary by Ty Bollinger called quest for the cure one Dr said something that surprised me.
I always thought I had a top notch immune system have had maybe one flu in 35 years, maybe 3 colds that I knocked out in a day with natural treatments. I could go in a room of sick people and not get hurt..I had cancer (insist 20 years ago) and had been fine until 18 months ago.
Now 18 months ago, I found a large tumor in breast and found it was aggressive triple negative breast cancer (tnbc) which is 4 times as deadly as regular breast cancer.
In fact just days ago had a chest X-ray as thought had pneumonia which many symptoms were same as metastasized breast cancer. I had refused chemo and had not done what they wanted which they wanted mastectomy and always refused to biopsy and remove my no sentinel nodes I had none of that done and removed as knew that destroyed the immune system...and made it very difficult to heal naturally according to master healer Dr Richard Schulze who worked with terminal and difficult cancers with 90% cure rate his incurables program is one to do...if interested message me with email address and I will send the link to it and chapters from his manual
3 Drs said I will die and it will be back in 2 or 3 years most with tnbc die within 3 years but if you survive 5 years post treatment, your risk of recurrence drops to below regular breast cancer almost to nil chance of recurrence so making it 5 years is the goal as then I may not die...I have 3 1/2 years to go and now I am at risk as do not know yet if it has spread to lungs pending more testing from a recent chest X-ray and am awaiting further testing to see if I am now in stage 4 or not..it is 6 months before they thought it would recur so was not prepared at all for all this...Dr is delaying everything making it so hard as I am terrified really.
The X-ray showed suspicious nodule but too hard to read..am awaiting a cat scan order to know more and see if it is cancer spread which will put me in the stage 4 and in my mind much deadlier place so please pray for me anyone who sees this (Jane).
Anyway, I thought I had this great immune system then got cancer (It is likely I have the BRCA gene due to family history).
One doctor in the documentary said it is people who never get sick who worry me..he said this means the immune system is not working at all or mounting a fight.
I also found out that I have lowered white blood cells a day ago also but this may be due to an infection as yet undiagnosed. Dr screwing me up from knowing if cancer or not..need to talk to her about extending the chest cat scan down to cover liver etc to see if any cancer found.
I went in for appt yesterday to ask this and see her with important questions and went and they said I did not have an appt though Dr said personally in a mychart that I did.so I did not get to see her as she left office before I got there for my appt (on time) cause they forgot to put appt down in scheduling book so they said she would call which she did not now I have to wait until Thursday to schedule cat scan to know more and I need prayer she will contact me sooner so not so hard on me and that she will agree to do entire torso or to the waist and not only the chest to see if other areas are cancer free or not as I have had no testing for 18 months post surgery. i also need prayer it is not cancer and that cancer never returns and for me to do my program better as I have slipped the last 3 weeks and trying to get back on track..I would appreciate any prayers on my behalf.
today she was supposed to all in am and at night but though I stayed by phone all day to see if could get what I wanted, she never even attempted to call..now they wanted me to reschedule 11 days later making me wait longer to know if I will die or not (if it spread).
well anyway, chemo does harm. this is why I turned it down..it often cases permanent harm to the brain and people have either chemo brain, no chemo brain or permanent chemo brain.a recent study on stage two colon cancer (see chrisbeatcancer site for more on this study plus many testimonies of healing and info must see site) showed those on chemo had lower quality of life, had cancer recur 3 times more than those who did nothing and had 2 times more death than those who did nothing.
A study of early stage breast cancer where they did everything Dr said (for instance-chemo, surgery, radiation and drugs like hormones) and where all told we got it all imp;led they got it back as 85% of them died of breast cancer so at best chemo shrinks it temporarily (but does not kill the deadly cancer stem cells that make it recur but it also can make new cancers more aggressive. chemo is a bad idea except maybe cancer is blocking airways or something life threatening or very painful
I feel surgery is best Drs have as if they get it all and +it truly has clear margins and if not in a blood vessels inside the cancer like mine was they might get it all and the stem cells and it may not recur Surgery may buy you more time to do natural and does not harm as much as chemo or radiation though that depends on where it is and its effects.
People who get chemo can suffer permanent lowering of IQ tests proof changes before and after for some. It can cause bran shrinkage --a brother has this due to psych meds he is on...he is confused and has next to no memory forgetting things at times 5 minutes after it happens..I am adept at accessing IQ I feel as former teacher and I would say his IQ dropped 40 points.
One can have permanent language difficulties and cant find right words to say what they want..they can suffer cognitive decline, severe memory loss
One person even never spoke again after chemo and had to have 24 hours care..chemo can also cause permanent liver damage (one needs liver to detoxify, permanent damage to the lungs (cancer lives in low oxygen areas, the kidneys and the immune system..
It can make the cancer more aggressive. See some help in this post I did (I will get the link).
some notes I have on baking soda (and conflicts with other protocols (you might find info on other conflicts at cancer tutor site
Very Important Note
The baking soda portion of this treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. During the first week no more than two Teaspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. During the second and third week no more than one Teaspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded.
http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=1334781&s=2#i9 see this
with baking soda and vitamin c protocol per cancer tutor
by R. Webster Kehr
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.
Conflicts With Other Treatments
Do NOT take this protocol if you are on the Budwig Diet (the Vitamin C will interfere with the Budwig Diet).
Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Protocel(R), Entlev(R), Paw Paw, or graviola (including Amazon Factor Protocol). The Vitamin C will interfere with the way these protocols work.
Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), sodium chlorite (stabilized oxygen) or chlorine dioxide. The Vitamin C will neutralize the way these protocols work.
Read More http://www.cancertutor.com/vitc_bsoda/
When mixed and heated together, the maple syrup and baking soda bind together. The maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells) and the baking soda, which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup, being very alkaline, forces a rapid shift in pH, killing the cell. The actual formula is to mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir briskly and heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon daily [wow, such a small amount!], is what is suggested by Cancer Tutor, but one could probably do this several times a day.
“There is not a tumor on God’s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup.” That is the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancers. His loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call Dr. Jim, and say he is a miracle worker. “Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer,” said farmer Ian Roadhouse. “Those other doctors told me that I was a goner and had less then six months to live. But the doc put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. It did not even show up on the x-rays.”
And [if you like] see: http://www.cancertutor.com/simoncini/
--here is Vernon's protocol on how to do it
here is Vernon showing how to do it
might find some info here
baking soda Dr Simoncini kills Candida which he thinks is how one is killed by cancer and this is what spreads not the cancer (but note he injects the baking soda inside the tumor so orally would only reach cancer in the colon perhaps/. yet others claim cure by just drinking it but be sure to do other things too.
See my post here for some ideas and about killing cancer stem cells..a comprehensive program works best and raw vegan foods of utmost important 100% raw is best
I know of 5 protocols that had anecdotal cures and they all had high or all raw as part of the program..the enzymes in raw produce kills cancer stem cells which are the only ones that spread to distant locations and kill people..read green tea might also do this plus the things I mention in this post
also see this post and any in that thread