Re: currently published Rife Consolidated Annotated Frequency List
>- the answer is
I do not intend to duplicate the work that has been repeated by many users.
These are the specific frequencies that customers ask for, so what you see is what you get.
Rife himself believed that there were at most 10 families of disease producing organisms.
parasites 72 Staphylococci 727
parasites 95 Diphtheria 776
parasites 120 Rubella 787
Lyme Disease 432 Tuberculosis 800
Candida 465 E. Coli 802
Bubonic Plague 500 Streptococci 880
Leprosy 600 Herpes 1552
Syphilis 650 Typhoid 1865
Gonorrhea 660 Sarcoma 2008
H. Pylori 676 Carcinoma 2128
It is interesting that most of these ended up being included in the MY.
Also, it appear that your claim that we make claims is not true.
On the site where ParaZapper products are sold, we make no claim of killing any specific microbe or for treating or curing any disease. Only that certain frequencies are provided and a statement of the accuracies that are achieved.