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Feeling nauseated followed by a sneeze while water fasting
Fasting2Health Views: 2,105
Published: 10 y

Feeling nauseated followed by a sneeze while water fasting

I've been reading this website for over a year and I'm hoping ChrisB or someone who knows the ins and outs of fasting has an answer. I haven't read anything about this during my fasting research I'm just going into my 10th day of Water Fasting and I keep momentarily feeling nauseated and almost like my stomach is empty and churning and painful and then this feeling rises up to my chest and throat almost like the feeling right before vomiting and then I sneeze. It's happebed the last 3 or 4 days and several times a day. I also I have sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in my neck, I'm not sure if that might be related. Anyone ever have this happen during Water Fasting or have any insight? I'm hoping it's just part of a healing crisis and will go away soon because it's so annoying lol and I feel so horrible for that short period of time.


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