In short, yes, you are right, it is healing crisis. But I think you are having a reflux and may be holding on to the stuff that is trying to come out. If your body is trying to vomit let it happen. Lymph node swollen in your throat sounds like some infection, perhaps head cold.
Sneezing can happen when acids and bile from reflux travel from your throat to nostrils. Does this happen when you are lying down or when sitting upright? If it happens when lying down then use pillows to incline your body so the head level is a foot above you feet.
Drink warm water like you are sipping tea and keep warm, it shall pass.
Here are a few paragraphs from Dr. Shelton's book............
Nausea: This seems to be an expression of a sudden decrease of the normal tension of the stomach. It may be induced by a foul odor, a bad taste, a disgusting sight, or an emotional shock. Severe pain, illness, fatigue, rapid descent in an elevator, etc., may produce nausea by lowering the tension of the stomach. These things bring about a loss of tension through a complicated "reflex" mechanism.
Continual emotional disturbances, such as prolonged worries, anguish, grief and repeated shocks, may result in a persistent loss of tone in the stomach and produce the "all gone" sensation or vague nausea often complained of.
In many cases there is no doubt that the sudden withdrawing of all food, as in fasting, results in a temporary lowering of tone or tension in the stomach and this produces nausea. On the other hand, tall, thin, undernourished people are likely to suffer with a chronic lack of tension in the stomach and this becomes more noticeable when they fast. The presence of bile in the stomach also causes nausea. Its presence is very likely to lead to vomiting.
Vomiting: I had one case to vomit almost continuously for six days and nights, although such vomiting usually lasts not more than a day or two. Much mucus and bile are thrown out. It is a cleaning-out process. The aforementioned case developed persistent hiccoughs when the six days of vomiting ceased, and this persisted for seven days before it ceased. The cessation of these two crises was the end of her suffering which had persisted for seven years. Another case, an old lady, vomited four days and nights, but made an excellent recovery. I do not regard vomiting as a danger signal, but as a cleansing process.
Hope you feel better soon. Great job in completing 10 days fast.