I had a conscious revelation today about fish...
So i opened the pot and was waiting to see mushrooms etc aka vegan stuff.
And what was there was a whole fish made in soup style with vegetables...No part of the fish ,the whole fish was there.
My heart started to throb for a bit...It was a shock to my consciousness...
A feeling to vomit passed through me.
Vegan diet makes you conscious.Even if you kill the plant the spirit of the plant has served its purpose(did what was programmed to do,proucing oxygenb etc) and can be recycled to the place of creative in other form ,more evolved.
I am telling you paleos,life is an opportunity to be aware and grow and you dont want dead flesh inside your body.
I am not preaching paleos,i am speaking through experience and through my consciousness.
Then i grabbed my raw salad,salt pepper ,olive oil etc and i was king.