Foggy, tingling, headache. Is it mirena? Help.
I'm at a loss and could use some input.
About two weeks ago, I developed a severe headache. It comes and goes. Then I started developing numbness and tingling in my face, arms, legs, everywhere (mostly left side). Then I developed a major brain fog. I can feel myself inside there, but I can't seem to access it: slow, can't think straight, can't get my words out, etc.
I went to the ER thinking I was having a stroke: cat scan came back clear. Blood/urine work came back clear.
Spoke to a neurologist (over the phone) and they think it's just migraines or I'm stressed. I've had a migraine before. The foggy feeling, the tingling, etc. isn't like a migraine I've experienced.
I had a mirena IUD inserted two and a half months ago. I've read on this forum that some of you have had these symptoms with a mirena. I asked a friend doctor of mine if it could be a mirena and she didn't think so just because these symptoms developed a couple months after insertion.