Emotional Disorders Cure
Hi There,
I just can't believe that people aren't being told the truth about emotional disorders,
The cure is right under your nose, yet the mainstream medical establishment persuades you into 'management' treatments including liver-damaging drugs and hundreds of talk therapy sessions, with 'therapists' who are more screwed up than the patient is half the time, lol.
My friend, I was in the exact same position you are just a few years ago - I was in to the deepest level possible.
I tried everything, and nothing was powerful enough to consider it a solution to the problem. I ended up sniffing coke all day, every day for four years to keep myself alive.
My pain started to end as soon as I started hypnotherapy and flushing my liver of bile duct congestion. Almost all emotional 'disorders' are simply caused by an overloaded hard drive (subconscious mind). Everything that is downloaded onto the human hard drive is hypnotically induced, therefore they must be hypnotically REduced in order to be relived of the symptoms they produce.
Just as powerful, is bile duct congestion. Hardened clumps of bile get stuck in the liver and gallbladder's bile ducts just like ear wax accumulates in the ears. It happens to almost everyone, the question is just how much. Since the beginning of time, lack of bile flow and storage has been directly linked to depression.
I have carried out over 60 liver flushes, and 50 hypnotherapy sessions, and I know for a FACT, that these two things are the cause to almost all of the disorders out there, period.
The hypotherapist I have been using is Gail Raborn who does over-the-phone sessions, and her website is
See the
Liver Flush Forum to learn more about flushing your liver, and I highly recommend buying the book - the amazing liver and gallbladder flush.
'Educated professionals' will tell you all day long how these 'alternative' treatments are either dangerous or don't work - I am here to tell you that they have no clue what they're talking about and curing emotional disorders is one of the simplest things of all the conditions that can arise.
I am studying to become a Naturopathic Doctor - when I am qualified, I am going to protest and speak my mind everywhere I go on this issue. I am sick and tired of hearing of people suffering needlessly. The cure is here, and it's always been here. The drug cartel at the top floor knows very well what causes and cures most conditions, but there's no money in telling the public about that. They suppress the real education, and give out the money making stuff to create a residual income stream business model out of selling life time symptom management.
If you ever need help or someone to talk to, I'm here.
To your health and happiness,