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Beginner Mistakes: Herbal Vs. Drugs
HotelParasite Views: 1,527
Published: 10 y

Beginner Mistakes: Herbal Vs. Drugs

I've been at this almost 3 years and I want to save someone new to this problem(parasites) from making the mistakes I made.

The most important thing: DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT start with herbal remedies.
I started with herbs. This is what I did thinking this was the safest. Wrong! The parasites make a mad scramble to get away from the herbs and traveled to every part of the body. I started with the Hulda Clark recipe. One month in I woke up to find a HOLE from my intestine out the front of my torso. Not a small hole. This hole was the diameter of a hefty pen. I could see into the interior. I was horrified but I knew nothing else than the Clark stuff.
This is when I found CureZone. (Thank you and G-d bless you all!)I then purchased Panacur Powerpac from the farm store. This is 57 grams per syringe and there are 5 syringes to take orally. The first does(one syringe) resulted in expelling a wade of round worms bigger than my fist and numerous "jelly fish" looking things that I still do not have an ID for.

If I could go back in time I would start with Lufenuron and Panacur. I won't share the rest of my horror story with you here but PLEASE heed my warning. Drugs first. I think the herbs are probably OK for maintenance but not a starter.


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