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Re: Successful first flush post-Accutane w/ results!
archus Views: 8,134
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Re: Successful first flush post-Accutane w/ results!


Great Job! I must say that you really abused your body a lot, not all your fault, but this is what our society has become. Kids are drugged to the hilt. I am glad that you found this website and now you are on the right path.

I do want to say that alcohol is not something you should be drinking anyway, especially with your history. We all make excuses, ah! this is only one time, it is a celebration of this and that. Alcohol is one thing that hurts the liver most. You do not mention your diet. Proper diet is one other way that you will clean your body. Be on a plant based diet, eat raw as much you can. Eat one salad with your own dressing (Not bought from the supermarket) everyday. Vegetables nourish and heal, fruits cleanse. You could eat some fish, eggs, cheese (you must love cheese, thus your screen name), etc. if you must eat animal protein.

Other means of cleanses can also be employed, fasting with water only, fasting with juices only and vigorous exercise.

Great Story and great job in helping your body clean and heal. But this is the begining and the end is no way near. It takes a lot of work and time to get all the junk accumulated for a long time.

Good luck.




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