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Is adrenal fatigue real? This guy who messaged me thinks not.
Invictus23 Views: 1,153
Published: 11 y

Is adrenal fatigue real? This guy who messaged me thinks not.

I got a message from this guy claiming adrenal fatigue isn't real.

"Bro, there's no such thing as "adrenal fatigue". It's just a fad diagnosis by those in alternative medicine who want to sell you a bunch of supplements.

What's causing all your symptoms is your not eating enough and not sleeping enough. You're not getting enough calories and that causes low thyroid and insomnia.

Go look at my threads in the AF debate section and you'll see the symptoms blamed on "AF" are the exact same symptoms of starvation/calorie-restriction. They are exactly the same because that's what "AF" really is. Everyone in the AF support section was under-eating at the time they got sick.

I recommend you get on a high-carb/low-fat diet as you're needing extra fuel for your high-stress lifestyle. The two biggest problems I found with people here under-eating and diets too high in fat & protein, such as those low-carb "Paleo" diets."

What do you think?


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