Why bad mouth the modalities that have helped many of us. I have been on Cure Zone for 10 years and there is a huge difference in my health by following some of these things I learned here.
InCharge's suggestion to get a Colloidal Silver maker is dead right. I got one in 2007. For the next 6 years I had living with me: 1) a granddaughter that was a RN, 2) a great granddaughter in public school, 3) another family member working in a restaurant. One of the three was constantly coming home with a bug. I would simply put some Colloidal Silver in a cool mist humidifier and let it run for a day or two for all of us to breathe. Not once in the 7 years since I started this has anyone of us had as much as a bad cold.
Charkee, good luck with your quest. Hopefully, neither you nor I will close down our minds to anything new to us.