The problem with "Alternative" medicine.
The problem with "Alternative" medicine. (AM)
AM is based upon the same exact false axiom of that of conventional medicine. Physical illness must have a physical cause. The only difference between the two is they tend to use different substances. Therefore I don't see AM as alternative at all. The most beyond the screwed up idea of placebo a practitioner can hope for is control and easing of the symptoms. These are always temporary. The moment you stop with Opuntia or Actos the diabetes returns in full.
A next door lady spends $600 a month on dietary supplements. Her husband is an engineer and they have plenty of money. She still catches colds and the flu. She has a perpetual back ache and I suspect she has become dependent on the supplements.
Supplements often don't do what is claimed. The uneducated with a little sales ability can quickly amass a fortune. Some will study and dazzle their clients into thinking they know what they are talking about. An acquaintance is making serious money. In one week he makes enough for his entire year's mortgage. Those that may have had some lack in their diet might see a difference, but many have confided to me that they really didn't help them. Sometimes their belief delays them from getting real help until it is too late. Some don't get the help at all.
Some may notice improvement but fail to see the improvement is tied to the resolving some emotional conflict, thus they become "true believers" in these substances.
Some of these sales people know their products are not so great and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent their clients from seeking real help. Many come to curezone hoping the integrity would be on a higher level.
Many clients come to me, they are taking handfuls of supplements, jogging miles a day, eating organic or raw and they tend as a group to be sicker that the rest of us.
There are 3 major fears: One the fear of death. Two, the fear of living. Three, the fear of facing one's own emotional discomforts.
Not facing one's emotional discomforts is the main cause of illness.
Science is loath to even bother to look into this area. I have yet to meet a medical doctor that believes the emotions could affect our health.
People will get addicted to drugs, work, sex, shopping or hobbies as means to avoid their emotions. They will fight and militantly refuse to acknowledge emotions have any effect upon them.
Yet I see individuals who are posting on the same forums for years still looking for answers. Isn't it time they move on and see that more of the same old is not working?
Until there is a change in attitude these people are doomed to an old age with chronic illness. It is so unfortunate that there are some very nasty people here on curezone that will condemn you to these conditions for the sake of keeping their supplement pushing business alive.
This is why you don't see many energy healers on curezone, these dangerous sharks (and some are just fools) do all they can to chase us out of curezone.
Some people just don't want the answer, its bad for business.
Charkee is a certified herbalist, livestock nutritionist, acupuncturist that gave it all up because he has found energy medicine to be far more effective than the other modalities.