11 y
Re: Morgellons is Malassezia?
Thanks for posting.
The expansion of the knowledge base concerning skin afflictions part is good.
I went to several blogs about this.
From my perception the pictures do match morg pictures.
But from my perception the pics do not match clinical pictures of the purported cause that can be found on the net at valid sites, both from universities and governmental, having to do with this yeast.
I suggest anybody considering this proposition to do a comprehensive search for pictures at such sites.
This is a huge discrepancy and one that I cannot ignore.
Pounding a square peg into a round hole doesn't make the case for me.
Showing morg pics and tagging them with this is not something I can accept as something I seriously need to consider after a deeper look into the yeast.
That's how I perceive this from where I am.
But posting on the yeast may well help some of what people suffer.
I just can't call it morg after a thorough examination.