alinia seems to work better for these. Take it for 25 days twice a day. Add to it doxycycline for 9 weeks. If you cant get doxy then tetracycline. take pyrNtel once a week and the nxt morning take magnesium citrateto Blast them out. Keep vicks on your anus and a garlic clove inserted at nigth to keep them from laying eggs. They lay them in the tiny folds of skin then they hatch in 6 hours and crawl up into you and keep reinfecting you. Every am wash the area really good with shower. do lots of saline enemas add salt to your foods, probiotics, digestive enzymes and make sure your hcl is strong enough. Papaya seeds also help. tbsp ground up on empty stomach. It's going to take a long time to clean them all out. Even when you think theyre gone keep treating at least once a week.