Worms Cure your Drain Field
I have finally finished up my research on worms to repair & prevent drain field problems. Australia is light years ahead of the USA in using worms for septic systems. So is England.
Drainfield Worms
Bottom line up front - There is no question about it. Worms & septic fields are made for each other. Worms by themselves have totally cleared up hopelessly clogged septic fields and worms can prevent fields from clogging in the future.
We want 3 varieties of worm:
1) Tubifex Worms for the lateral pipes, can survive under water, called sewage worms, and eats the suspended solids, sludge
2) Endogeic Worms to provide horizontal burrows, called Alibama Jumpers provide drainage & eats the biomat
3) Anecic Worms to burrow 6 feet deep & eat surface litter, called night crawlers. Provide aeration, drainage & eat grass clippings & leaves..
Worm Photos for each type of worm.
Where to order each type of worm in the link below.
A LOT of worms to aerate my drain field is on my to-do list for spring 2015. I will NEVER suffer drain field problems again! Septic Worms to our rescue.
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