Re: Septic treatment costs
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Grizz, I'm not big on sharing my septic treater as it has been a bit of a nightmare. They brought out the county inspector against my wishes, and they left me in limbo after a soil test in the spring which it took them all summer to reply. It was a mistake to contact them in the first place as I believe in my remote location the saturated field was no harm to anyone but my wife's complaints. I spent he summer researching and worrying, but thanks to u I had some hope. My initial feeling is that the terralift was of limited value, even though the jetting was previous. It took them a long time to find the distri box, and when they did they said it had a very small opening (which they showed me). They jetted from there but could not show me that the distro was flowing evenly. My suspect is no bc the liquid always flowed to the end of the field where it was the natural low point. I've diverted my softener and sumps away from the field, plus installed low flow toilets and fixed all household leaks in addition to the washer filter. They will inspect in one year and if my field is wet I'm screwed. I think the original installer of septic at my house screwed the owner, and it was passed on to me, as our tank was empty at spect ion and we didn't know better at the time. It's a sad situation but not surprising after what you hv provided. No one wants to hear about all the other stuff, just lies and deception. Thanks for listening. -Dave }