Why do you need a spinal tap if you already know that you have worms in your spinal fluid because you are dizzy? I am just curious because I am about 99% sure that I know what is going on with my body way before the diagnostic tests can detect anything. For example…My vaginal juices were not the right color and my vagina was itching. But the doctor said the lab results were nil. So he sent me home to get even sicker. And it wasn't until my lower back was hurting and I could barely pee that I went back. Then the stupid test could finally detect the infection, and I finally got some medicine. It is that way with just about everything. They wait until you are so sick you are about to die before they will admit there is anything wrong with you. They will also tell you there is no cure, or that everybody has it, or that it is ubiquitous, and they want to medicate the symptoms and make you comfortable, so you can tolerate having it, until it kills you. Stay as far away from those idiots as you can. They are in the business of capitalizing on human suffering. It is a torture scam. What kind of a masochist would willingly get on the guinea pig assembly line and volunteer to be tortured to death? Do not get a spinal tap. If you really do have critters in your spinal fluid, the cure is to do the Cure Zone Cleansing Protocol and make sure you are getting proper nutrition. And it doesn't even matter if it is in your spinal fluid or where. The protocol will get rid of whatever ails you, wherever it is. Some things are a little more trickier than others, and it can take years to learn how to listen to your body adequately enough for your immune system to kick in and your blood to be pure enough for your health status to become invincible. But you will never attain that result if you are bound and determined to trust the quacks who are pumping people full of pharmaceutical drugs and torturing them with unnecessary diagnostic procedures. Because they are trained to keep people in a state of misery so they can sell drugs for the pharmaceutical companies.