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Re: The Truth
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Re: The Truth

I agree that people have the right to believe what ever they want to. However does a christian help in ways that point towards the wrong direction? That's my point.

As far as intent goes...answering the question of why you posted the videos to Trust with the answer you gave does not clear up the questions people have. It only creates more questions.

You and I have been here a long time. This issue comes up over and over, but is never addressed. The debate forum, is the correct forum for people to discuss their different thoughts on christianity. I have no problem with that. But when christians post things that are against their belief system, it then causes confusion and doubt in everyone. And heaven forbid that such videos would cause a new or weak christian to fall away. It's one thing for a weak christian to fall away from the Truth that someone shares with them, because the falling away is on their own head...but for us to share something that would be false (and we know it's false) would be going the wrong direction of what Christ wanted us to do.

I hope my explanation makes it more clear why I ask.


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