The Myth.
Ok, I listened to this one. The maker of this video is confused to say the least. First of all, Christians know and do not claim that Jesus was born on December 25th. That shoots down the whole message of this video. Most Christians know already that December 25th celebrations have definite pagan origins. Christians do not claim to know the real birthday of Christ. They decided to celebrate on December 25th. I guess they wanted to do something good on that day to off set all the pagan stuff. This may have not been a good idea because it has sure started a lot of debate etc. over Christmas. The guy in the video was right about the pagan December 25th stuff.
This guy in the video is assuming that Christians are ignorant to the above and that they believe Christ was actually born on December 25th. Therefore, he uses that nonsense as an argument that Jesus was a myth. The enemy is working overtime to convince people not to follow Jesus who is the only real way to salvation. This guy in the video was really grasping at straws trying to convince people of his lie about the real savior of the world, Jesus the Messiah.
We, who know Jesus personally, know Jesus is real. We don't have to study garbage like this to find out the truth. Jesus is the truth. We have fellowship with Him everyday, therefore, it is impossible for guys like this with their videos to destroy our faith no matter how hard they try. If Trust2009 thinks Jesus is a myth that shows he is not in fellowship with Christ and it shows that he is not a real Christian.