11 y
Re: No takers...So, what does that mean?
Personal attack?
Just because I used your name, it was a personal attack?
Your reply was more of a personal attack than my post was.
Why would I post this on the
Iodine forum?
Isnt that what this debate forum is for?
So, your answer basically is you have no answer or you dont know.
fivetoedsloths reply is the hope, thats the vision.
Read their reply Ginagirl.
It differs greatly from yours.
The ultimate quest is the same for
Iodine as it was for
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Flood the body with iodine.
Squeeze out all disease. Block any new disease.
What is
Iodine sufficiency Ginagirl?
What does it mean to you?
Would I ever stop eating fruit because I'm sufficient?
Explain fruit sufficiency Ginagirl.
How do you become fruit sufficient?
And what exactly are you tryng to accomplish by becoming fruit sufficient?
Does that differ much than what you're trying to accomplish by becoming iodine sufficient?