10 y
No takers...So, what does that mean?
That, 'sufficiency' is just a neat word that
Iodine users use to pretend they're actually accomplishing something or working towards?
The same thing happened on the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement forum.
Protocols changed as time went on, but originally it was recommended that the body had to be sufficiently flooded or saturated with chlorine dioxide in order for it to keep up and overcome disease. Then a maintenance dose to keep disease at bay.
One would think that Ginagirl should be
Iodine sufficient by now.
But I noticed that she still has to up her dose whenever she feels the flu coming on, and the extra dose will usually 'knock it out' within a day or two!?
If 'iodine sufficiency' cant even prevent someone from catching something like a flu bug, then how in the world will it keep you from any 'new disease'?
Someone mentioned 'optimum health' in a different forum.
What does 'optimum health' feel like?
And who here will never get sick again?