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Re: cure for morgellons
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Re: cure for morgellons

Interesting about your reaction to the flu shot. Have others here experienced this reaction? Like many Morgies report, I don't really get colds and would never take a flu shot.

To start, I would recommend that you get Borax to clean and launder with, Epsom Salts to bathe in 2x daily (follow with shower rinse), and take all Sugar out of your diet. Wear clothes just once before laundering, sleep in clothes, and wash sheets often.

For me, its really helpful to hire a weekly house cleaner. Even when the environmental fibers are "dead" enough to not make us itch, I cough when I breathe them in as I enter my office space or truck. I pay her well and she understands more about Morgs than most doctors. She brings her kids along sometimes too, but we avoided the risk for her infant. After years of cleaning fibers, she reports no M issues.

Then try to evaluate your symptoms aside from the fiber/goo/skin artifact shedding/itching component. Are the other symptoms lymey or wormy. Go on long courses of anthelmintics and/or Antibiotics and listen to your body to learn which work for you. Personally, I suspect that Morgs depend on these coinfections and once they are out, our immune systems can better deal with the fiber issue.

Nobody that posts about or treats Morgs really knows what it is yet. But some of its coinfections like lyme and parasites have somewhat effective treatments.

I've been fighting obvious Morg symptoms for 3.5 years. FWIW, my dog appeared to beat nearly all symptoms in just a couple of months -(itching, malaise, eye mucous, lost patches of fur). The women I've dated during this time tell me they do not have it.

Hang in there. It is not progressive for all. I developed 40 symptoms in one week (that coincided with a supermoon and a spring thaw) and have been slowly dropping them since. Now I am down to about 5 symptoms which mostly involve my hair and scalp.



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