It's SO obvious you are a medical
"Professional" . Only a brainwashed employee of the mainstream MD's would make such a statement like "irreversible "!! Here's a newsflash for you: The human body is designed to self heal!! Yes, the body CAN and does regrow tissue! On the correct diet, with supplements, and detoxification there have even been people who have had their gray hair turn back to brown then blond like when they were a child and eyes have cleared up and turned back to blue and people with debilitating, crippling bone "diseases" clear up straighten up and they are now walking again. You people in allopathic medicine are THE main threat to people in the US. Over 1,000,000 people lost their lives in "you're" "care" last year!!!! It's time to quit calling naturopaths and Homeopaths "alternative" and time to call allopathic medicine alternative, because your the ones that have the new treatments only coming about In the past 100 years or so and prescribing deadly petro pharmaceuticals that do nothing but treat symptoms and cause more harm than good!! No it's ALL about how much money you can squeeze out of people!! Homeopathic and other natural medicines have been tried and proven for hundreds even thousands of years yet you have the nerve to call THEM " ALTERNATIVE"!?! Whatever......