Re: Link between candida, cold extremities and chronic fatigue ?
Hi Blue Boy...You're probably right -- you may well have candida but I think that you probably have other problems as well. Here is the quick and free online candida questionnaire test by William Crook(who wrote the Yeast Connection) to help you confirm whether you have candida:
Candida Questionnaire
Almost definitely you wil be low thyroid or hypothyroid if you have candida. I had low thyroid when I had candida. is a good site to investigate for that problem. I just used lugols iodine to cure my own low thyroid problem but it does way more than that for your body. See this:
Using Lugol's Iodine
Because of your anxiety and depression issues you might also have complex Methylation Cycle problems or blocks causing your anxiety and adreal problems. Do a google search on Dr Rich Von Kroneynberg Dr William Walsh, Dr Amy Trasko and Dr Lynch and their research on candida, ASD, CFS, Fibromylgia etc to learn more about this. Looks like you might be over-methylated too:
Over-Methylation Problems -- Dr William Walsh
For over-methylattion issues, just try supplementing 500 mgs niacin(flush form) three times a day with meals. You can also take niacinamide -- the non-flush form. I use niacin because I think it is the better form to take -- but it will give you the niacin flush so beware. Niacin will help your anxiety, calm you down and will help you too sleep.
Get a hair analysis done(quite cheap) and this will tell you all the vits and minerals you are lacking in your diet. It will also tell you your body's heavy metal and halide(fluorine & bromine) content and status.
Here is the core pathogen kill protocols from my own candida protocol that cured me and has helped to cure other people. It's not the full protocol, just the core pathogen killer protocols which should be easy enough for you to take:
Core Candida-Kill Protocols
Even though I completely cured my own systemic candida 8 years ago using my full protocol, I still use the smaller core protocols occasionally for ongoing health maintenance.
As part of my own symptoms for my own candida issues I had constipation, brain fog, unclear thinking, tired and lethargic, insomnia, athletes foot(for over 20 yrs, nothing would shift it), eczma, psoriasis, dandruff, jock itch etc. All these candida symptoms simply disappeared on their own when I eventually cured my own serious candida issues 8 yrs ago -- I used no topical or local treatments at all -- just my protocols.
Just focus on curing your own candida issues -- nothing else, and don't get side-tracked. That's my advice to you.