Re: When to stop fasting?
Hi! You're doing great!
I did a major cleanse this summer--started with 30 days pre-cleanse of fruits and vegetables, then 49 days of the
Master-Cleanse plus ten of juices for a total of 59 days fasting. I am now about 2 months into a cleansing/rebuilding diet and feel wonderful!
The rumblings etc. you feel are NOT hunger! What a surprise! Your stomach is definitely readjusting to being EMPTY (when are our stomachs ever empty?) -- but REAL hunger feels entirely different! I had that experience on day 45 of the MC, when the lemonade finally let me down (it carried me through beautifully to this point).
Hunger felt... like a dull ache in my solar plexus, unrelated to my stomach. A very odd sensation.
The moment I started on juices, UP I came, and the juices carried me through in BIONIC form to day 59!
I had crises, two major and a few minor... Fasting crises are NOT bad! They are rather a sign that the body is detoxing, which is precisely why we are fasting! I had a kidney related crisis (including passing a small calcification) on day 18, which lasted approximately a week. Then, on day 57 I had another major crisis. My colon has been BADLY packed with horrifying gunk (I am over two years into cleansing and repepenting!). There is waste packaged between layers of old, hardened mucous (at the risk of being Gross), and a large packet EXPLODED on day 57, and I was SO SICK! Just like I had a bad flu. Next day--tired but happy! Had a
colonic on day 59 and got stuff that was actually on the WALL of my actual colon, for the first time in over two years of effort.
Was it worth it? YESSSSSS! I cannot tell you how many wonderful changes, big and small, physical, mental and spiritual.
You are absolutely right about breaking on an UP. Many on this forum have done otherwise, and regretted it. Wait until your body has removed the toxins that are causing the problem, then break when you are feeling great!
Do not be afraid to fast. You are giving your body a wonderful gift! It is not always easy (those first ten days are actually the roughest, many times), but if you break well, and plan to continue with a clean,
healthy Diet (you get the garbage out, don't put it back in is the concept) you will have done great work!
If I can help you in any way, holler.