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Re: sudden rotten taste in mouth and smell in nose!
Blessssed Views: 17,198
Published: 11 y
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Re: sudden rotten taste in mouth and smell in nose!

I hope you are cured of this dilemma by now. But if anyone else is still suffering from the same thing, I want them to try Apple Cider Vinegar like #146369 posted. It could well be a fungal infection. Mine smelled like rotten fish or meat and I tried everything from olive leaf nasal spray, neti pot with hydrogen peroxide to oregano oil, but nothing seemed to help...until I came across a forum which mentioned doing steam inhalation with apple cider vinegar. I believe it's equal parts of filtered water and vinegar. I used the Bragg brand. I've been doing it for over 2 weeks now and I can honestly say it has worked wonders for me. No more bad smell coming from my nose or that weird rotten taste in the back of my throat. Please, anyone suffering from bad odor coming from nose, try steam inhalation with Bragg Apple Cider method!

I will be praying for you all!


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