ok, see, now i got panicky! i just posted today, about "bacteria, virus, or allergy?", below. Now, all day, the right side of my throat was sore, and the tube going from the ear to the throat has been sore too! hard to swallow. OK, well, i've been sucking on Halls all day, they are the only thing that helps the throat. I also took Cipro at 5pm today, and will continue on the 7 day course, i think what i'm dealing with is bacterial, AND an allergy. But, about half an hour ago, i was sitting on my living room couch, eating a tuna salad sandwhich, with onion, when suddenly out of nowhere, I actaully SMELLED and TASTED in my mouth this awful rotting meat smell and taste! Now, i will give you a short backgorund here....for the last few days there was something rotting in our refrig. and we couldn't figure out what it was...i mean, we looked, and moved things, and smelled everything in there, and just weren't able to figure it out. Now, this smell was bad, and everytime you opened the fridge, it wafted out at you, a rotten meat smell...gross! But, today, my husb. figured out waht the heck it was, and discarded it, and now, it's gone! YIPPIE!
So, basically, we haven't smelled that now, for a few hours...he threw it out in the garbadge in the kitchen, which is not good, and he WILL take that out of the house tonight! But, what i'm getting at here, is that, YOU DON'T SMELL IT ANYMORE, even from the garbadge! Now, then, all of a sudden, a little while ago, there i was, eating a tuna sand. with onion, and POW, THAT EXACT SAME SMELL filled my nose....but, at the EXACT SAME MOMENT, i also tasted that rotten meat smell (that we had been smelling from the fridge, now gone).....honest, it wasn't that i smelled it first, and tTHEN tasted it, bec. then, at least i'd figure that i smelled it, and then since the whole olfactory thing is all conected, it went to my mouth. NO, i actaully TASTED AND SMELLED that rotten meat smell, at the EXACT SAME MOMENT! Now, to some of you, this may sound silly, but that has never happ. to me before, AND to boot....IT WAS THE EXACT SAME ROTTING MEAT SMELL THAT HAD COME FROM OUR FRIDGE FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS (but rem. we don't smell it anymore, my husb. threw it out), so now, when you open the fridge, or stand in the kitchen, it's fine....and what threw me, was that i TASTED it..i mean, TASTED it..very pungent.!!! This whole lovely experience lasted about maybe a minute or two....after that, it was gone, and i don't smell OR taste it now.
Now, i guess the reason i freaked out, was becasue of this "mystery" sickness taht i'm dealing with, this "bug" or bacteria that's been going around.....so, now, i have had this sore throat for 3 days and the pain in that ear tube thingy ... like i said, i gave in adn took the Cipro, i just couldn't take the sore throat and ear pain anymore.....to most of my friends and family, who also suffered with this, this past winter/spring now....it's been bacterial....so, i think mine was too...bec. originally, about a month ago, when this first started up, the first symptom, was a sore throat FROM HELL.....but when i took Cipro then...it went away OVERNIGHT...so it had to have been bacterial. Long story short...(to late, i know!)....i was ok for about 10 days...and then, Sat. this sore throat thing and ear pain started up again....i've done the best i could to NOT take the cipro...i'd rather not...but i just couldn't take the pain anymore, and i'm hoping that perhaps it IS bacterial, and that the cipro willtake care of it.
but anyway.....i freaked out just now, with this weird rotten meat smell and taste in my mouth, and again, let me point out, it was the EXACT SAME smell that came from our fridge...rotten meat. Because, i've had bad teeth for years now,a battle i'm loosing unfortunatley, and so, i'm very familiar with that sort of "decay" taste in your mouth, like say, if a tooth chips or whatever.....yes, there is a decay taste....no, this was a ROTTEN MEAT taste, and smelll at the same time. So, i naturally, in my panic state, started thinking that maybe something was rotting INSIDE me, and now i'm tasting it! OH GOSH! I know, maybe this sounds funny, but i can't help it. If i had just smelled it, i wouldn't have cared, but the very fact that i TASTED it, and i mean, it was PUNGENT, it was PRECISLEY the same smell/taste from our frdge in my MOUTH! Then, i wondered, if maybe the Cipro might do that, maybe make your senses more sensitive,...i dont' know....
if anyone can help me here, i'd be grateful, because in the meantime, i'm going to be panicking, just waiting to get that ROTTEN MEAT taste in my mouth again, and then, i'll think it's me, from the inside!
thanks everyone.