Re: I feel nothing at all
I have very little understanding of the thyroid... Besides the basics.
Dont get too discouraged. I've read where its taken some people as long as a year to start feeling effects. A lot of people will have bad detox reactions and give up, some push on and then have success once they get over the initial hump.
I started taking it because i read that it helps to reverse and prevent a lot of female problems and asthma... as long as there's a proper nutrition and cleansing plan in place.
Almost every organ needs iodine, so it's still helping you. It just might take a little longer to feel effects.
My partner just started and he doesn't feel anything either, where I felt it immediately after my first dose. It's very hard to predict, but not having dreaded detox is a good thing! If you click on the word
Iodine it will take you to a lot of good info!