Re: SG6 wont shutoff if over 3/4 strength on dial
I run all my batches through a coffee filter, i know its not suggested but ive read its the big clumps of silver that deposit in the skin and cause argyria, plus i get quite a bit of silver slime on the neg silver electrode after each bach and it always seems to falloff into the jar when i remove the sg6.
Anyway... i was having problems with my sg6 kicking off soon after starting and after several batches of having this problem i threw that jug of distilled water out and opened a new one and have had no problems since.
when i first ran the sg6 it would take 8 hours to make a batch of 3/4 strength.
now at 3/4 it only takes a few hours... im guessing its because the electrodes have been broke down and became pourus a bit and strip the silver ions easier now?
but.... if i set it over 3/4 strength the same thing still happens.
it will run forever and after 24 hours i have huge globs of silver slime scaling off the neg electrode and visible silver shiny flecs in the water.
im not sure if it is because the neg electrode is so severely covered in goop that it cannot get an accurate water conductivity reading and that maybee a midway electrode cleaning would solve the issue, or...
I have a faulty callibrated device.
It seems to work fine if i set the knob to point at the upper right hand corner of the device (about 3/4 strength 10ppm?)
does this sound normal and should i just keep making it at the 3/4 strength or does it sound like i shouldcontact the company?
Im wondering also- what is the shelflife and best way to store it?
Ive read brown glass jars away from light but also read clear jars and light is fine. Even read plastic gallon jugs and 2 liter bottles is fine.
Theres always so much conflicting info on CS articles