Cured since long time now
Congratulations! Thanks for checking in again. Would you mind stick for around a little while or provide support to those who are struggling from time to time? Seems to be when people get cured here they bolt, except longterm and 1 or 2 others. (Thank you Longterm, you are a sweetie!) I get wanting to put it behind you, but people on other forums stay and here we reinvent the wheel it seems.
Been away for a while. I posted here for 9 months or so when I first got this lip issue Jan 2013. It came after taking
Antibiotics . I also had received a mandatory flu shot from work (I'm a nurse) and the place where I was renting got bed bugs so I guess they sprayed all our rooms. I'm still convinced that its a fungal issue somehow, but I've had 3 lip swabs and they tell me that it's nothing growing.
It's a head trip, I got really depressed when the year anniversary came, and at the same time I got pregnant in December so it might have been hormones causing the depression, we miscarried Feb and I actually had to take a leave of absence from work just from sadness and this uncomfortable, raw, peeling lip, I could hardly talk. But that bolstered me to really commit to getting fit, healthy and strong.
I did a
Liver Flush in May, but it didn't cure me. I back slid a little because I think I had a stuck stone. I suspect that it caused some problems that took a few months to resolve. I also didn't fast or clean out
parasites prior to flushing. I am doing a through cleanse first, hope to flush again in November.
I have a pretty good diet for the most part, but it has been by no means strict, specifically with sugar, coffee and dairy. I have not excluded these and do indulge a few times a week. I have a weakness and give in. That may be my big problem. The giving in to cravings and seeing so many others eat crap and look fine.
How long on the diet before you saw improvements? I have seen other posters say they beat candida, and were on strict diets and it didn't help. Some say it was the
Sugar and celiac disease. I'm so confused. I would like to commit fully to change diet but doubt holds me back. Again there is a strong mental component that has entrenched itself after I struggled for the first six months, blame, doubt, defeat, depression. Then stuck.
I know that the lip lining inside my mouth, it is different, plasticky, different than my cheeks, and when the condition spreads a little on my lips it seems to affect the inside of my mouth first. But, this being said,
I have very good oral hygiene, just had a check-up last week with raves.
I'm pretty emotionally happy, I'm engaged. We met before the EC but most of our relationship I've had it. It does affect my day to day, and I really want to cure it, but I have gotten somewhat complacent in just using A&D ointment and getting on with it.
(I promised someone who posts here I'd send them Aquaphor and I still have it in the drawer. I'm a stinker for being such a butthead, I'm sorry. I was in such a bad place. I wanted to sleep and never wake up.)
The lesson I am learning with this EC issue, is *MY* tendency to give up and just roll over, "with the what's the use?" attitude. But then I come back again, see posts here and keep going, I try again. I feel more solid and sure of myself that we will overcome this. I can do it. I know others feel defeated and others keep going. I'm learning a lot about my patterns and how I self sabotage. But dang, this is very hard to live with. 24/7 lips feel like sandpaper, they hurt and one gets used to suppressing embarrassment, pain and just compartmentalizing to work and live. It's a head trip like I said.
I appreciate success stories, they mean a lot to the people here.