You say your thyroid is normal. I assume this means that you had a thyroid blood test which was then read by an allopathic medical doctor. They only look at numbers and they use a very broad set of numbers to determine thyroid "normalcy". They do not look at symptoms at all. I would suggest you take your temperature first thing in the morning and if it is below 98, then your thyroid is low. Do you have mild depression, fatigue, weight gain, dry skin? These are all symptoms of low thyroid. It takes time to get the thyroid back to working normally. Check your temperature every morning first thing and take glandular thyroid (NaturThroid or Armour)which will help rebuild the thyroid. You should feel a difference right away. If you don't, then you need to increase the dose. See a naturopathic doctor and they will prescribe the glandular and they can decide which dose to start you with. Most people start with 1/2 grain and go up from there. I am taking 2 grain daily and still have low temperate so am gradually increasing the dose. Good Luck