Re: Is tooth/gum infection causing... joint/muscle pain? This is the text below
This is his site on root canals
Medicine will soon recognize the effects of dental infections on the rest of the body. At this time few physicians know that every tooth is wired into an acupuncture meridian, and whatever happens to each tooth will affect its meridian. Infections inflamation closes, like a circuit breaker, shutting down the muscle fascia voltage feedline from our battery storage systems to organs particular to that dental meridian, and thus by lowering the available micro voltage, starts and feeds the subpar cellular activity that is often the foundation for illness.
There are several issues about the dental connection:
1. Infections in teeth (decay), root canals and the bone around teeth put out poisons called gliotoxins and thioethers that affect the meridian of the infection.
2. Dental materials are often poisonous, e.g., mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known. However, dentists put it into the mouth with abandon! Nickel, common in crowns and braces, is toxic to the brain.
3. The midline of the face moves in and out ten times a minute with the craniosacral pump. However, dentists often wire the two sides of the mouth together, shutting down the pump with serious chronic problems.
4. Root canals are dead tissue. Dead tissue ALWAYS gets infected. Dentists that tell you that root canals are not infected are deceiving themselves and you.