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Re: Enema advice ?
username7414 Views: 2,202
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Re: Enema advice ?

Ahhhh welcome to the dark side!!! I think enemas will make you feel a lot better.
I started out with the disposable saline ones from rite aid because I'm a big baby about everything and found enemas very hard to hold in the beginning. They get much easier after you do them a while.
Just make sure you warm it up a little over body temp by dropping into a mug of hot water and squeeze all the air out of the bottle before you instert it... and drink lots of water and have some salt so your electrolytes don't get wonky. Baking soda or borax or apple cider vinegar are all good in them too.. but you only need like a quarter tsp in a disposable bottle. If you haven't done one in a while, just the plain saline might be hard enough to hold until you purge a bit.
Also, if you're not planning on catching your junk in a strainer, but still want to inspect it... it helps putting a paper towel (lay flat) in the toilet.. it sort of keeps the interesting stuff from sinking down in the hole in the toilet.
My first couple were the most horrific. But those are the ones that make you sleep like a baby!


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