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A Horrifying First Hand Psychophysiological Observation

Jan 2nd, 2014: Finished cranking out 500 setups and suddenly got severe vertigo. Was unable to stand upright and had to crawl to the bathroom. This was very similar to an episode I had a year and a half earlier. This first episode was accompanied by a significant rise in blood pressure, which was 135/165. My normal blood pressure is 100/70. This time is was 90/140.

This story started in 2009 with mild vertigo symptoms. I wrote it off as an age issue. In July of 2011 I suffered carbon monoxide poisoning and experienced a high fever for a week along with hallucinations for about three days. Little did I know I had kidney stones, Gallstones liver stones and a a severe parasite infection. In this post, I am only going to cover the last part of the issue as I feel it would be too much reading for most people who need answers and immediate help.

I was initially in denial, thought it might have been a bad case of food poisoning as by this time I had done approximately 30 liver gallbladder flushes, and expelled thousands of stones among many other interesting fat strands and two-finger sized cholesterol blobs.

I am the developer of an Emotional Measurement process, which produces measurable improvements for depression, PTSD and eating disorders in two two-hour sessions. I bring this up because I am used to asserting control over my emotional state yet this parasite infection had such a profound effect I was not able to initially bring myself out of a depressed state. I am also used to having some Science behind anything I do in regard to the mind or body. This would not be the case in regard to the following discovery.

January 5th: I speculated that possibly a liver stone got caught in a bile duct and it was causing this bad reaction so I did a flush and expelled a dozens of stones with one over a half inch in diameter.

January 7th: Still symptomatic I did another flush.

January 9th: Still symptomatic I did another flush.

January 10th: Still symptomatic I took a closer look at my symptoms online and concluded I had a parasitic infection. I know what you are thinking, “see an MD.” I had already done this and the resolution was to have my gallbladder removed which obviously had nothing to do with the core issue. Ultimately, I would discover that…

Gallbladder issue = toxic liver and a toxic liver = parasitic infection.

I am not sure why the medical community does not get this. In the end it made perfect sense and was very straight forward.

Vertigo: So bad initially I could not stand up.
Increase in blood pressure:
Chronic Fatigue:
Cognition: Unable to focus or complete a sentence. What used to take me three minutes would take an hour or more. Some people refer to this as brain fog.
Voice: Down to half of a Clint Eastwood whisper.
Gait: I had the walk of a 100-year-old man.
Dexterity: Things such as typing were a major effort and very slow.
Eyesight: Had to use glasses for everything.
Muscles, ligaments and tendons: It seemed like everything hurt.

As a friend of mine put it. “It looked like your body was shutting down.”

The worse symptoms for me was the vertigo and cognition.

January 12th: Started Woodworm complex. One of the many die off symptoms was eczema which covered my left eye lid, eyebrow, both sides of my nose and the back of each hand. It was more severe on the left side. : The right ear produced so much wax it plugged the hearing up in my right ear. Cleaned this ear of wax four times in one month.

Another very significant die off symptom was central nervous system (CNS) activity. I believe it was profound for me because of nerve damage on the right side from Spina Bifida and Spondylolisthesis. As a result L4 and L5 were fused in 1999. The right foot was almost completely numb and I had about forty percent of the feeling in my left foot. Both of these numbers would improve significantly over the next few months. This was one of the many indicators of the control these insidious creatures had over me.

January 17th: Was feeling very toxic so I did a flush and saw over half a dozen Tapeworm segments.

January 19th: I did not like the imprecise method of measuring the Wormwood Complex and ended it.

January 20th: Started Cayenne caps, ginger caps and pumpkinseed oil caps. Continued to see Tapeworm in the stool along with a roundworm.

Die off symptoms were so sever I was barely able to make it back and forth to the bathroom. Major effort to keep myself out of a depressed state and thoughts of suicide were persistent which I was continually processing out. I understand how emotion works and how to take control of it and this infection was taking me to my limit. I simply do not know how some people survive this. I think the reality is many do not.

January 25th: Bought a Z4eX EXTREME 3 frequency zapper. Did not care for the included copper pipes and ordered really good wristbands from Best Zapper. Used all three frequencies twenty minutes each for a total of one hour. The first time I used it my voice started to come back but this was short lived. This did however indicate to me that zapping was effective. I also ordered a one-month supply of Humaworm.

February 8th: Upon recommendation for the Hulda Clark website, I did a test for a 4000 mg dose of CoQ10. I did approximately 900 milligrams to start and it put me into a major panic attack. Heart was racing and entire body went into a fibrillation. Very happy I did not take the entire dose. There needs to be extreme caution when taking a mega dose of anything.

February 9nd: Started Humaworm and stopped everything else. Zapped a couple of times but was concerned about electroporation so I did not continue.

February 11th: Started Bromelain and took it every time I took the Humaworm.

Other than the eczema, I suffered a multitude of other die off symptoms. The primary one not being able to get out of bed but others included severe low back and neck pain, which lasted several days. I had L4 and L5 fused in 1999 and had significant nerve damage. I speculate this could have been the cause for all the neurological activity which was about to pick up. I started to get an electoral jolt up the right side of my spine to my neck, which pulled my head over to the right side. I felt like Jim Carrey from the Saturday Night Live “What is Love” video.

February 23rd: I stopped seeing signs of Tapeworm about a week and a half into the Humaworm so I ate four ounces of dried pineapple and saw more signs the next day. This worked so well I did it again and added pumpkin seeds. I got constipated from this and was feeling really toxic so I did a flush with dozens of small stones expelled and over a dozen dime sized liver flukes the second day after flush. If I could see a dozen there were many more.

March 10th: Ended Humaworm and Bromelain. I had one day to go but I simply could not take anymore.

Flush March 11th: Two liver flukes and dozens of peas sized stones.

March 19th: Still symptomatic so started on Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. This is supposed to injure the parasites to death and clean the intestines. A residual benefit of using this was the elimination of dozens of spider veins around my ankles.

April 7th: Still symptomatic so I started a three-day pineapple pumpkin seed fast with Trader Joes dried pineapple and whole foods organic raw pumpkin seeds. Eight ounces of dried pineapple the first day. As soon as I started eating the pineapple, I experienced biting sensations in the upper abdomen.

April 8th: The second day of the pineapple fast while laying down the right side of my abdomen started getting pushed up, sort of like a worm on a sidewalk that had been caught out in the sun. Twelve ounces of dried pineapple this day.

April 9th: Eight ounces of dried pineapple this day.

April 10th: Two quarts of cold pressed organic pineapple juice. No food in preparation for liver gallbladder flush. At 4:00 PM I mixed one table spoon of Epsom Salt into eight ounces of water to clean the colon. This usually cleaned me out but this time it had no effect. Little did I know the worm that had been flailing around to such an extent it pushed my abdomen up like the scene in Alien had died and was blocking my colon.

April 11th: Up at 3 AM and unable to go back to sleep. At 4 AM, I took another Epsom Salt dose, one table spoon in eight ounces of water. At 4:20 AM, I got up to use the bathroom and passed a large mass. This was unusual because the Epsom Salt always causes a loose stool. Got my flashlight out and inspected the stool to see a baseball sized light grey mass which appeared to be a tapeworm that had collapsed on itself surrounded by fecal matter. I stood there for a moment thinking I have to wash this off, unravel it and take a picture of it. In the end, I just could not do it. I was too ill.

Eczema immediately started clearing up after this large tapeworm was killed. Many other symptoms stated to dissipate as well.

Improved symptoms:

Chronic Fatigue:
Muscle spasms in my neck almost gone:

Other things improved beyond the initial symptoms. A pain that I had in my left shoulder for over a decade simply went away. My right foot was numb since back surgery is starting to come back. Left foot, which was not as numb, also improved.

I have to say I have never experienced anything freakier than this parasite infection. Hulda Clark claims that there are two causes for disease, parasites and pollution. I considered this statement over the top until I had a parasite infection.

April 15th: Started another three-day pineapple, pumpkin seed cleanse to make sure all worms were killed. Biting sensations on the left side of my abdomen several hours after eating the lunch time 4 ounces of dried pineapple. I ate twelve ounces of dried pineapple this day.

April 16th: After four ounces of pineapple for breakfast, I experience a significant amount of flailing on the left side of my abdomen. My abdomen did not move up and down like the first one but it lasted for about forty minutes. Other than, this it was very consistent with the first cleanse.

April 17th: Pineapple juice only to prepare for another liver flush. Drank eight ounces of water mixed with one tablespoon of Epsom Salt at 5:00 PM. Again no reaction.

April 18th: At 6:00 AM I used the restroom and passed another large mass without the use of the Epsom Salt. This one was not as large as the first but still significant. I did not inspect this one. This was the first time I did not pass any Gallstones or liver stones in almost two years. This was my 37th flush and I was finally clean.

April 22nd: Started another pineapple, pumpkin seed cleanse to make sure there were no more worms. Eight ounces of dried pineapple on this day. No biting sensations or flailing in the abdomen.

April 23: Four ounces of dried pineapple and two quarts of pineapple juice. No signs of any worms so I only did two days and no flush since I was clean on the last flush.

April 25th: Severely ill from a chicken lunch. Had taken a powder probiotic but apparently to no avail. I suspect the pineapple only diet killed everything in my intestines including all good bacteria.

April 26th: Bought two quarts of Helios Greek Nonfat Kefir one plain one strawberry. I started to feel better almost immediately after drinking this Kefir. Drank two quarts on this day.

April 27th: Had a salmon salad lunch with no adverse side effects. Drank two quarts of Kefir and tried different brands.

April 28th: Cut back on the Kefir and still feeling better.

April 29th: Drank one quart of Kefir on an empty stomach and became severely ill. Not sure if this was, die off of bad bacteria or over saturation of good bacteria so I quit the Kefir.

April 30: Started zapping again.

May 1st: Absolutely normal bowel movement.

May 2nd: After zapping the second time in one day I noticed my voice coming back. This was a total of two hours at one hour per zap and twenty minutes per frequency with a Z4eX EXTREME zapper.

May 3rd: Seem to be getting better every day.

Dr. Hulda Clark stated that “It takes about 3 weeks for large parasites like Ascaris and tapeworm larvae to disintegrate completely and be cleared from your tissues.” The pineapple kills everything so I am waiting to see if symptoms fully subside. I killed the last large worm April 18th and I am feeling better but not symptom free yet.

May 5th: Day 17 since I killed the last worm and not symptom free but feeling much better. I decide to do another pineapple, pumpkin seed cleanse.

May 7th: Started two-day pineapple pumpkin seed cleanse. No signs of worm biting or flailing. I did however wake up at 10:30 PM severely ill. I could not tell if this was die off from the pathogens left over from the large tape worms I killed or if the pineapple was making me sick. It will be exactly three weeks since I killed the last worm by May 9th.

May 8th: Lethargic and weak form the pineapple but manage to knock out a chest back workout. I eat the usual four ounces of dried pineapple for dinner and wake up at 3 AM feeling great. I blend up some fruit and whey powder with no bad reactions and go for a run. I drink one quart of plain Kefir to restore the good bacteria. Drank a second quart of Kefir.

May 9th: Did a heaping teaspoon of psyilum husk in the morning. Friday night I had a floating brown stool with a significant amount of grey matter attached to it. It looked like it could have been either mucus or a partially digested worm. In either case, I decided to do an Epsom Salt laxative the next day.

May 10th: 6:30 AM I mixed one tablespoon of Epsom Salt into eight ounces of water and drank it. Two hours later, I did the same. Felt ill the rest of the day.

May 11th: Feel much better but still not symptom free.

May 12th: Not sleeping well and there is a tremendous amount of activity in the nerves of my low back, which is radiating into my feet.

May 13th: Voice starting to come back. After the pineapple cleanses I feel like I am swallowing a quart of mucus a day. A Considerable amount of phlegm also being generated from my lungs.

May 14th: Got 10 hours sleep and feel much better but still multiple physiological anomalies. The biggest one is the nerve activity in my lower back. I suspect this is causing other issues. Another major back spasm without lifting anything.

May 15th: Back pain so severe I cannot hardly get out of bed. The nerve activity is not backing down.

May 16th: Very sick on top of back pain. Cannot decipher if I am sick from the back pain or still clearing pathogens. Low back hurts if I clear my throat. I discover the weak point are my hamstrings and start focusing on working them out. I see an immediate improvement.

May 17th: Ate 4 ounces of dried pineapple tonight and noticed some flailing around near the right side of my belly button the next day. I am also taking two caps of ginger for nausea almost every day.

May 18th: Better overall but still what I would call a little wacky. After flailing near the right side of my belly button I decide to do four ounces of dried pineapple for lunch. The flailing lasted for several hours and did push my abdomen up as did her first one. I noticed an increase in activity after taking more ginger root caps. Simply cannot take the three-day fasts anymore so I will integrate the pineapple into my diet. I did not want to do Antibiotics to kill these things but I am ready to submit. Making an appointment with a gastroenterologist this week.

May 19th: Zap early in the morning for an hour and a half on my ankles. Barely able to make it to the bathroom because of back pain. I can only assume the electrical current from the zapping had an effect on the low back problem. All is quite in my intestines. Can only assume I killed another large tapeworm. How must these things be to push my abdomen up.

May 21st: This is the best I have felt since I started at the beginning of the year. I am however still suffering which I suspect is a result of killing this last large worm. There are many upsides.

1. I am sleeping much better.
2. Wax production in my right ear seems to have calmed down.
3. Throat mucus and chest phlegm have been cut in half however still significant.
4. Gait has significantly improved.
5. Voice continues to come back.
6. Normal bowel movements.
7. Vertigo continues to improve.
8. Cognition continues to improve.

May 22nd: Continuing to improve but nerves in my back continue to go wild.

May 23rd: Ate four ounces of dried pineapple for dinner.

May 24th: Drank a 17-ounce can of coconut water and a bottle of juice. Became severely ill.

May 28th: Ate four ounces of pineapple for dinner.

May 29th: Significant thrashing in the lower left abdomen. Did a fast and ate four ounces of organic coconut oil about 4 PM.

May 30th: Passed another large worm. This one did not collapse on itself as the first two big ones did.
It came out straight surrounded by fecal matter. Sharp pains in the lower ab went away and felt like I was starting to come back.

May 31st: Started a ten-day parasite herbal cleanse called Parazyte. Became symptomatic again, unable to work out. Added coconut oil to my smoothie in the morning which already has DM in it.

June 3rd: Saw my GP and got a referral to a GI. Most people said they did not have die off symptoms form Parazyte but this is exactly what I am going through. Coconut and pineapple are a regular part of my diet.

June 5th: Too sick to continue Parazite. I suspect there are more big worms that the herbs are effecting.

June 6th: Found this text in regard to dried coconut. “Using coconut meat to get rid of parasites and worms is nothing new as it is in fact a traditional practice in India. The effectiveness of coconut meat as vermifuge has also been tested in a study that was conducted in 1984 in a village in Rajasthan India where there are many cases of tapeworm infestation. As the people there are non-vegetarians, they usually get to east raw or improperly cooked beef. The study used fifty individuals infected with parasites volunteered for the study and they let them take different coconut preparations combined with Epsom salt which is a strong laxative. The subjects that were given either 400 grams of fresh coconut or 200 grams of dried coconut followed with Epsom salt successfully expelled parasites. After 12 hours, it was learned that those who were given dried coconut expelled 90 percent of parasites while those who took fresh coconut expelled 60% of parasites. Therefore dried coconut is much effective than fresh coconut as a vermifuge.

The health condition of the subjects was checked six months after the study and 1/3 of them had no reoccurrence of parasites. Majority of those who were infested with Tapeworms again acquire it from eating improperly cooked raw beef.

Coconut is said to be a natural cure for those infested with Tapeworms and parasites. It is a cheap and highly effective remedy with no side effects.

June 6th: Made eight ounces of macaroons. Significant thrashing in the far left side of my abdomen. Ate the macaroons for dinner.

June 7th: Did a fast in preparation for a liver flush. Did two Epsom salt laxatives.

June 8th: Did another Epsom salt laxative and passed three large masses. No more movement or noise in the abdomen.

June 10th: Did another round of macaroons and preceded this one with 12 ounces of fresh pineapple.

June 11th: Did another round of macaroons and preceded this one with 12 ounces of fresh pineapple.

June 12th: It appears I may have killed the last ones and I am feeling better so I just need to wait for the pathogens to clear.

June 15th: Take a shot of freshly pressed ginger, lemon and cayenne at a local juice bar.

June 16th: Notice sporadic movement in upper left abdomen and just below my belly button. I wrote it off as digestive noises.

June 18th: Eat 9 ounces of wholefoods macaroons.

June 19th: Still getting sporadic movement in the abdomen and bottom of my foot is itching again.

June 21st: Get two eight ounce packages of Trader Joes macaroons and eight ounces of dried pineapple. Ate four ounces of dried pineapple and 7 ounces of macaroons first thing in the morning. The bump on the inside of my lower lip appeared before I finished the macaroons and went away six hours later. The thrashing in my abdomen lasted about five minutes as opposed to hours as the last one did. No movement at all once again by afternoon.

June 22st: Ate another four ounces of dried pineapple and 7 ounces of macaroons first thing in the morning. Have five days of parasite left so I started it again in the evening. I have to conclude that the dried pineapple is more effective than fresh. The combination of the coconut and pineapple seems to kill activity in the abdomen every time.

June 23rd: Unbelievable! Detected movement in the upper right and left abdomen so I got two more doses of Trader Joes dried pineapple and coconut macaroons. Ate four ounces of dried pineapple and seven ounces of macaroons.

June 24th: Even though the movement had stopped in the upper right and left abdomen I ate four ounces of dried pineapple and seven ounces of macaroons just to be sure. Went to the dentist had all mercury fillings replaced.

June 25th: Juice fast today to prepare to flush the liver of toxins left behind form the last several worms I killed. Found this USC study “Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system.” I am going to do this fast after a calorie and carb load for a couple of days.

June 26th: Recovering from the flush but start to feel better by afternoon.

June 27th: Got a three day supply of Trader Joes Macaroons and will have them for breakfast and dinner every day until I start my three day fast. Significant movement in upper right and left abdomen.

June 28th: Second day of macaroons and very ill.

June 29th: Feel a little better but still ill. Have macaroons again for breakfast and dinner.

June 30th: Start the water fast. Able to knock out a chest, back workout. Almost exactly 24 hours into the fast I start to feel toxic and have to urinate every twenty minutes.

July 1st: Wake up severely ill. Barley able to make it back and forth to the bathroom. I later read that some people cannot tolerate the intense releaser of toxins during a water fast. A juice fast is recommended as a trial run for this reason.

July 2nd: I break the fast at 70 hours. Still ill but not nearly as bad as the second day.
July 3rd: Feeling better every day.

July 5th: Able to resume my workouts. Sleep is still a significant issue. Nerve activity in my low back has changed to radiating spider web of nerves to a single nerve wave that goes up the right side of my spine to the back of my neck and head. A very strange rush.

July 7th: Wake up well rested and feeling much better. Did a full Pilates workout and did half of my run. See the GI doc and he gave the parasites are not a problem in the US speech. He does however offer to do a colonoscopy.

July 11th: Woke up feeling toxic. I do not know if this was a result of running. I am considering a two-day Water Fast with a Liver Flush at the end. I eat four ounces of coconut macaroons and four ounces of pineapple. At 5 PM start having another Alien experience with major thrashing just above and to the right of my belly button. I eat another four ounces of pineapple and get half way through 8 ounces of macaroons before the thrashing stops.

July 13th: Decide to do four days of Parazite along with 8 ounces of macaroons and 4 ounces of pineapple per day.

July 15th: Starting to feel toxic and getting movement in the lower left abdomen.

July 16th: Very toxic. Will start a juice cleanse tomorrow. The electrical jolts in my spine are making my neck sore. Ate four ounces of dried pineapple and 8 ounces of coconut.

July 17: Started juicing fruits and vegetables and start to feel better.

Over the next couple of months, I do a battery of blood tests and a colonoscopy. Everything came back normal. The nerve activity in my neck is not subsiding. My MD points out that the muscle between my thumb and forefinger is atrophied.

August 2nd: I get a lymphatic massage and the therapist notices that a lymphnode on my right flexor is the size of an almond. A week to ten days after the massage large amounts of lymphatic fluid start running down the back of my throat.

August 5th: I notice I am feeling ill with gas and bloating after eating nonfat plain yogurt. I eliminate all dairy and the symptoms go away.

August 7th: I am feeling better so I begin to reintroduce bagels and other wheat products.

August 20th: The viscosity of the fluid in my throat gets much thicker and I wake up feeling as though I am drowning on mucus. I stop the wheat products and this goes away. How could I suddenly become lactose intolerant and have a wheat allergy? I look up food allergy and parasite and find that on doctor intentionally infected himself with a hookworm to see if it would affect his wheat allergy and it indeed did.

September 7th: Suffer severe case of vertigo while doing my Pilates routine. Perform the Epley maneuver, Semont maneuver and one other created 20 times over a period of a week and seem to have control of it by September 13:

September 12th: Get up feeling good, eat a couple of gluten free crackers and become very toxic once again. Not sure if this was the result of not addressing the food allergies quickly enough or if something else is going on.

September 13th: Decide to do a Liver Flush and eat four ounces of dried pineapple the 12th to begin to clear my system and do a water juice fast to prepare. I speicifically use an organic beet, carrot, apple, lemon and ginger.

September 14th: I immediately feel better but how far this is going to go I do not know.


This whole process was just slightly better than a guessing game. Everything I did effected the smaller parasites including tapeworm, roundworm and liver flukes. The Humaworm was especially effective with the liver flukes. With almost two years of flushing I did not have a clean Liver Flush until after the Humaworm.

The Humaworm nor anything else seem to faze the large tapeworms. Trader Joe’s dried pineapple in four ounce amounts were the only thing I found which killed the large tapeworms. Part of the reason for this however may have been because they were weakened by everything else. Replacing a meal with four ounces of dried pineapple seem to be just as effective as the three day pineapple fast. Most recommendations are for fresh pineapple but I have a tough time eating the required amount and Trader Joes dried pineapple does not have any Sugar or sulfates.

What to do first: I would do the pineapple pumpkin seed and coconut fast before anything else with fresh or dried pineapple. This is a great cleanse for the lungs and I believe for the entire body regardless of whether you have a parasite infection or not.

Blood Electrification: There is Science behind blood electrification and the use of a zapper. I believe it was at least in part responsible for getting my voice back.

Ginger: I keep ginger tabs next to my bed and take them anytime a bout of nausea comes on.

Detox: I am going to do a water and juice fast once a week until I feel clean then once a month from there on out.


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