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Re: Ropeworm enema tips
Deesmiles Views: 11,941
Published: 11 y
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Re: Ropeworm enema tips

Hi Lubix,

So sorry you are still overwhelmed with whatever is taking over your system.
Sorry it's taken awhile to respond. I have almost completely forgotten about this whole ordeal and it's really difficult to share strategies/remedies/approaches at this time; perhaps I have put up some mental block to the horror of it all.

I do feel very strongly that vit D3 deficiency may be the basis for shutting down the immune system allowing the unhealthy to reside in your digestive track/organs/body.
I also feel a acidic state of PH balance can then take over and the rest is just a mess from there. I now take high doses of vit D3 (purchased lots of books on Amazon on the topic) and 1/4 to 1 tsp. of baking soda and a tbs. of raw honey before bed or during the night which quickly provides an extra sense of comfort and an awesome nights sleep.

I still feel unnatural foods, man made cooking oils, gmo's have wreaked havoc on our state of health but no longer stress out/panic/think about this all due to the years spent ill/in pain before healing. I now eat whole foods and work hard at avoiding unnatural foods which takes quite a lot of energy in itself.

The only approach, I feel could simplify things at this time is the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 3000 protocol
and 20 drops activated Miracle-Mineral-Supplement enemas held for as long as possible (if even minutes)
in 1 1/2 Qts warm water. The CD Autism website is finding much success in getting the bulk of this stuff out...I gather Miracle-Mineral-Supplement removes most all alien/microbial matter over time. I have not heard of the Fry method but one never knows; so many different options.

Other then that it seems so many auto-immune response/illness symptoms tend to be intensified by mold sensitivity (knowledge gathered from health blogs)... Perhaps the modified grains in our food chain have too many new funguses/pesticides that immune systems are no longer capable of flushing/taking out. Therefore I would stay away from grains (unfrozen, uncooked) that have been sitting out or packages opened for a few days that may harbor microscopic mold to avoid inflammation or cross mold flare up; however best described.

At this time...this knowledge/outlook has provided the gift of energy, comfort and
continued youthful vigor...

I will be sending healing thoughts your way....with really strong hopes that you will soon prevail in feeling whole and comfortable.


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