I put the DMSO/Aloe before bed and then in the middle of the night there was a shifting in my throat and in my chest cavity. The next day I think I applied this again then felt a few shifts in this area throughout the day (not a normal sensation) then felt that off feeling.. later (either that night or next morning) to find a couple more larger suc*** head Ropes expelled with a warm water enema. I no longer have that throat sensation that some of us have touched on. I also had taken a tbs. of coconut oil during the night and I think the next day because I had recently expelled so many large ropes (around the holidays) and was worried the suc***/Rope detachment wounds would get infected, that were too sensitive to herbs for some time.
Healing Regards
Also a NOTE: I put the DMSO/aloe on front and back of neck and chest cavity following the spine area.