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Re: has anybody cured candida?
username7414 Views: 1,414
Published: 11 y
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Re: has anybody cured candida?

With all due respect... grizz would be the one who can breathe, pop a boner (and bang his lady, without gasping for air), shit normal and eat whatever he wants. If you haven't tried it, how can you know its not going to help?
Iodine and D3 aren't treatments... they're sypplements that the body needs to function. Some people need more than others and some people are beyond the immune system stepping in... bit I think its safe to say that without a properly working immune system... your candida and pathogens are just gonna keep coming back.
Nobody here is selling anything. Everyone buys their Iodine from different non cz sources.
Maybe that other guys herbs might work for you... if you have the same pathogens... and figure out how to magically heal your intestinal lining so it stops leaking.


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