The immune system for MOST of the population is in shambles for the same reasons:
1: Vitamin D3 Deficiency > 70%
Iodine Deficiency > 90%
3: Horrible diet loaded with sugars & salt from packaged foods, pop, sugary drinks, alcohol.
4: Eating packaged foods with artificial oils & chemicals
The biggest bang for our dollar is to correct
Iodine & D3 deficiencies.
Take this simple quiz:
Do you eat seafoods & seaweeds every day? If not then you are deficient in Iodine.
Do you get 1 hour of direct sun every day (no sunscreen) then you are deficient D3.
If you are deficient in both, your immune system is in shambles and you will catch every disease imaginable.
Job #1 is to focus on healing our immune system with the Dr. Brownstein
Iodine Protocol, Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Daily, and a strict Paleo diet=No junk foods & no sugary crappola.
When your immune system is healthy, you are disease free. It is that simple.
More here:
PS) I am looking for volunteers to help me promote the above website and optimal health. The curezone needs to focus more on prevention & less on treatments. Anyone?