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Healing from toxic mold exposure with iodine testimony
rapunzel1183 Views: 6,333
Published: 11 y

Healing from toxic mold exposure with iodine testimony

Sorry if this is not where a testimony should go, I did not know where to post it except here.
Im 23 year old, female and have been sick for the past two years after I was exposed to toxic black mold. My health began to return after I began supplementing with iodine.
My story.
Two years ago I was living in an old apartment with my mother when a pipe busted in the wall and the place flooded. The water damage went through the floor and walls. The manager did nothing except had someone sunction the water and cover the hole in the wall where the pipe busted with plastic.
Two months later I was having respiratory problems. Had extreme fatigue.
I was unemployed and car-less, therefore I stayed inside most of the time, breathing in the must, mold, and mycotoxins.
Black mold had grown everywhere inside the apartment.
The bottom of my closet wall would crumble if I touched it, it was caving in, from the water damage
By a miracle I moved out and into my own place, living alone. By this time I could hardly function. The fatigue was unbelievable. And prior to all of this I was healthy.
So I found work, two jobs, working 12 hrs a day to pay my rent. I quit one job, then the other. Developed laryngitus, could not speak for three days.
I was burned out. Contemplating leaving everything behind as my world was crashing down. I was functioning with great effort, and was not at all improving, but the opposite. I was deteriorating.

...It has now been 9 months since I moved back in with my mother. I have not worked in all this time. Still fatigued. And now have sensitivities to chemicals, detergents, sprays, etc. I feel like I cant breathe when I smell them. I cant afford doctor visits, so I am healing what I intuitively believe is wrong with me. I have been consistently stressed for a year and suspect I had high cortisol levels and adrenal fatigue.

Three months ago I discovered curezone and began my Iodine supplementation. I experienced detox but did feel slightly better. Then I added Bentonite clay and now adaptogens. I can say what some people on this forum say is true about the bigger Iodine doses. Because as soon as I started taking 40 drops (100mg) I felt tremendously better than I had on the small doses.
I now sleep deeply and only 7 1/2-8 hrs of sleep and wake up without alarm, as opposed to before when I slept 10+ hrs. Im breathing better (something in my lungs cleared up). Last night I had ear pain, and I believe it was my body healing the damage from the ear infection that I got when I had laryngitus. Im generally feeling good lately. But if I skip a day of my supplementation, I experience fatigue. So I continue.
I think my body is now sort of telling me what it wants. Two days ago I had strong craving to eat a whole onion, for some reason, I suppose my body wants something that is in them, perhaphs sulfur? And it wants herbs now. When I read about Iodine on curezone, my body sort of wanted it, I knew I had to begin taking it.
Im slowly healing my body.
Here are/were my health issues;
Chronic fatigue
Multiple chemical sensitivity
Adrenal fatigue
parasites (got rid of-DE)
Chronic constipation (improved)
Nutrient deficiencies (improving)
Dental decay (improving with bentonite)

All these things have happened in the past two years after toxic black mold exposure. I am happy to report that I feel 70% improved, and feel I am getting close to total healing.
Right now I am preparing my body for a 40 day water fast. For deeper healing.
This is my testimony. Hope its not too long :) And sorry if I posted it in the wrong place.


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