10 y
Re: like a sponge
What makes you think some of use here are not taking iodine?
Do you think you are the first person on the internet to discover supplemental iodine?
I started taking it like 18 years ago when
Hulda Clark 's books came out. I'm like two decades ahead of you.
What also makes you think that
Iodine is the only nutrient people are deficient in?
Do you think that you are the only person to know about Brownstein and Flechas?
The true sign of a dumb dumb is using the old
TOS ploy.
Dumb dumb.
Look man, you are probably a nice guy, as nice as a teddy bear, but my stuffed animals don't go around claiming they are intelligent. Just take your iodine, stuff your fat face with pork and stop trying to teach people who are 100 iq points higher than you are.
You are the absolute worst messenger for iodine. Whatever good it does for people is completely cancelled out by your dumb-dumb-ness.