Nausea & Menstruation
I've gotten really severe nausea my last couple flushes. One of which I got nothing out, and then took a second full dose of OO/GFJ the next morning, only to release a 1 1/4
inch x 1
inch stone. 5-6 more slightly smaller stones followed that evening and into the next morning.
I am now taking several weeks off, taking Sensible Health's Meta Plus to try to help create energy and pressure in my liver. I feel like the GCG and Bitters are softening the stones, but they're getting stuck in my bile ducts, thereby creating the nausea.
The last flush, just over a week ago, I got nothing out, and was again, very, very sick during the flush. I've done 6 flushes so far, and all but the aforementioned double-dose OO/GFJ flush produced little as far as stones go.
At present, I should be menstruating by the end of the week, and the nausea is back to a very strong degree. I am achy, weak, tired, and just have no appetite. None of these are normal PMS symptoms for me.
I am wondering if I have stones blocking my bile ducts yet, and that my impending menstruation is only further aggravating things...
Any thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks.